Repeat Prescriptions


Please follow the guidelines and choose the right option for you.

We do not contact patients to confirm when a prescription has been issued due to the amount of requests authorised in a day.

  • Patients are only notified via text where a medication cannot be issued.
  • All prescription requests are processed over 48 working hours.
  • You can double-check on the status of your medication request via Patient Access or by contacting your nominated pharmacy.

We do not accept repeat prescription requests over the phone.

Ordering a Repeat Prescription

When you order a prescription online, you can have it sent electronically to a pharmacy of your choice. This is called a nomination.

Learn how to nominate a pharmacy

The NHS App

Order repeat prescriptions via the NHS App or NHS website, and have them sent to a pharmacy of your choice.

Learn more about the NHS App

Use Online Services

The easiest way to order your prescription is by using our online services.

Learn more about online services

Online Form

If you're not registered with our online services, you can use our online form

Order your repeat prescription via our online Repeat Prescription form. No account required.

Use our online form

Your Local Pharmacy

Pharmacy Ordering / Collection Service

Pharmacies offer a prescription collection service from our Practice

Your pharmacy can also order your medication on your behalf. This saves you time and unnecessary visits to the Practice. Please contact the Pharmacy of your choice for more information if you wish to use this service.

About pharmacists

As qualified healthcare professionals, pharmacists can offer advice on minor illnesses such as:

  • coughs
  • colds
  • sore throats
  • tummy trouble
  • aches and pains

They can also advise on medicine that you can buy without a prescription.

Find a pharmacy

Medication Queries

Please get in touch with the surgery to raise a query about your medication.

Contact us

General Medication Question

Do you have a question about your medication?

We have clinical pharmacists Monday to Friday, please call the surgery on 0208 883 8214 to book a telephone appointment with one of our pharmacists.

Medication Review Request

Do you need a review of your medication?

Please contact the surgery to book a telephone appointment with our clinical pharmacist.

Contact us

Out-of-Hours Medicines - Emergency Repeat Medication Request

To request a limited emergency supply of the repeat medication you’ve completely run out of, please visit the NHS 111 website.

You will be charged your usual prescription fee. If you do not usually pay, it will be free.

You cannot use this service to get:

  1. Antibiotics for a new or recent problem
  2. Controlled drugs that require identification to collect

Alerts, recalls and safety information: drugs and medical devices

Learn more about Alerts, recalls and safety information: drugs and medical devices

More Information About Prescriptions